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One of the leading Artificial plants manufacturers in China

DCARTPLANTS was founded in 2010, DCARTPLANTS is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality artificial trees. We offer a wide range of products that are designed to enhance any indoor or outdoor space, from office buildings and shopping malls to parks and residential properties.Our team of skilled artisans and craftsmen use the latest technology and highest quality materials to create lifelike trees that are virtually indistinguishable from their natural counterparts. From elegant silk ficus trees to towering palm trees, we have something for every taste and style.In addition to our standard product line, we also offer custom design services to help you create the perfect tree for your specific needs. Contact us now and believe that we can provide you with the best products and competitive prices to help you further occupy the market.

  • Our Products

    The artificial plants produced by our company use environmentally friendly materials, the biggest advantage is that there is no taste, which can reduce environmental damage, no need to take care of, and the use time is also very long, if the protection is appropriate, it can be used for up to 5-10 years without fading and the cost of care can be reduced after installation, which is the biggest cost savings. DCARTPLANTS offers high quality artificial plants at consistently competitive prices, get in touch with us to provide a quote.


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